Grade 3 Mathematics Topics and Sub-topics
1. Say the number sequence 0 to 1000 forward and backward by:
• 5s, 10s or 100s, using any starting point
• 3s, using starting points that are multiples of 3
• 4s, using starting points that are multiples of 4
• 25s, using starting points that are multiples of 25.
2. Represent and describe numbers to 1000, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
3. Compare and order numbers to 1000.
4. Estimate quantities less than 1000, using referents.
5. Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 1000.
6. Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for adding two 2-digit numerals, such as:
• adding from left to right
• taking one addend to the nearest multiple of ten and then compensating
• using doubles.
7. Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for subtracting two 2-digit numerals, such as:
• taking the subtrahend to the nearest multiple of ten and then compensating
• thinking of addition • using doubles.
8. Apply estimation strategies to predict sums and differences of two 2-digit numerals in a problem-solving context.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1-, 2- and 3-digit numerals), concretely, pictorially and symbolically, by:
• using personal strategies for adding and subtracting with and without the support of manipulatives
• creating and solving problems in context that involves addition and subtraction of numbers.
10. Apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties, such as:
• using doubles
• making 10
• using the commutative property
• using the property of zero
• thinking addition for subtraction for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18.
11. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication to 5 × 5 by:
• representing and explaining multiplication using equal grouping and arrays
• creating and solving problems in context that involve multiplication
• modelling multiplication using concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically
• relating multiplication to repeated addition
• relating multiplication to division.
12. Demonstrate an understanding of division (limited to division related to multiplication facts up to 5 × 5) by:
• representing and explaining division using equal sharing and equal grouping
• creating and solving problems in context that involve equal sharing and equal grouping
• modelling equal sharing and equal grouping using concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically
• relating division to repeated subtraction
• relating division to multiplication.
13. Demonstrate an understanding of fractions by:
• explaining that a fraction represents a part of a whole
• describing situations in which fractions are used
• comparing fractions of the same whole that have like denominators.
Patterns • Use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems.
Variables and Equations • Represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways.
Measurement • Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems.
3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes
• Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them.
• Describe and analyze position and motion of objects and shapes.
Data Analysis • Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems.
Chance and Uncertainty • Use experimental or theoretical probabilities to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty.
Number Sense
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns
Patterns and Relations
• Patterns
• Variables and Equations
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns
Shape and Space
• Measurement
• 3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes
• Transformations
• Patterns
• Patterns
Statistics and Probability
• Data Analysis
• Chance and Uncertainty
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns
1. Say the number sequence 0 to 1000 forward and backward by:
• 5s, 10s or 100s, using any starting point
• 3s, using starting points that are multiples of 3
• 4s, using starting points that are multiples of 4
• 25s, using starting points that are multiples of 25.
2. Represent and describe numbers to 1000, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
3. Compare and order numbers to 1000.
4. Estimate quantities less than 1000, using referents.
5. Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 1000.
6. Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for adding two 2-digit numerals, such as:
• adding from left to right
• taking one addend to the nearest multiple of ten and then compensating
• using doubles.
7. Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for subtracting two 2-digit numerals, such as:
• taking the subtrahend to the nearest multiple of ten and then compensating
• thinking of addition • using doubles.
8. Apply estimation strategies to predict sums and differences of two 2-digit numerals in a problem-solving context.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1-, 2- and 3-digit numerals), concretely, pictorially and symbolically, by:
• using personal strategies for adding and subtracting with and without the support of manipulatives
• creating and solving problems in context that involves addition and subtraction of numbers.
10. Apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties, such as:
• using doubles
• making 10
• using the commutative property
• using the property of zero
• thinking addition for subtraction for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18.
11. Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication to 5 × 5 by:
• representing and explaining multiplication using equal grouping and arrays
• creating and solving problems in context that involve multiplication
• modelling multiplication using concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically
• relating multiplication to repeated addition
• relating multiplication to division.
12. Demonstrate an understanding of division (limited to division related to multiplication facts up to 5 × 5) by:
• representing and explaining division using equal sharing and equal grouping
• creating and solving problems in context that involve equal sharing and equal grouping
• modelling equal sharing and equal grouping using concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically
• relating division to repeated subtraction
• relating division to multiplication.
13. Demonstrate an understanding of fractions by:
• explaining that a fraction represents a part of a whole
• describing situations in which fractions are used
• comparing fractions of the same whole that have like denominators.
Patterns • Use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems.
Variables and Equations • Represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways.
Measurement • Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems.
3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes
• Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them.
• Describe and analyze position and motion of objects and shapes.
Data Analysis • Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems.
Chance and Uncertainty • Use experimental or theoretical probabilities to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty.
Number Sense
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns
Patterns and Relations
• Patterns
• Variables and Equations
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns
Shape and Space
• Measurement
• 3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes
• Transformations
• Patterns
• Patterns
Statistics and Probability
• Data Analysis
• Chance and Uncertainty
• Patterns
• Patterns
• Patterns