The Importance of the Curriculum Centre

Today, teachers are under siege. They are required to do more and more in the classroom with fewer resources. Budgets have been cut, support programs have been removed and class sizes have increased. Morale is at an all time low and it seems that if there are to be any improvements to the system, it will be up to the classroom teacher to effect these changes.
The Curriculum Centre has faith that things will improve because teachers are innovative; they are creative and they are natural problem solvers. To help teachers in their quest to improve the system, the Curriculum Centre has started a provincial resource bank that follows the prescribed program of studies and we invite you to become a member and take advantage of our unique resources.
There are teachers all over the world teaching the same subjects that you are . Almost all of these teachers make up some sort of activity or worksheet to help their students succeed. Some worksheets are used for supplemental remedial activities, others provide additional practice and various others offer advanced applications. These worksheets address individual student or group needs and once used, they are often discarded or filed away until the following year. Imagine the wealth of resources that are buried away in filing cabinets in classrooms everywhere. These hidden gems represent a tremendous loss of creative energy and talent. Imagine again, if you can, what could be achieved if every teacher had access to this treasure trove every day of the school year.
In the past, instruction often followed a "one size fits all" approach, but things have changed. Today, differentiated instruction - a much more demanding , but a far more effective form of instruction is more prevalent. This approach, however, brings new challenges - the ability to provide each student with a learning activity that meets his exact instructional needs each and every day of the school year.
To successfully do this, a teacher has to be able to access a very large and diverse bank of resources. To develop such a collection is no small feat! In fact, it is a Herculean task and cannot be accomplished by a single teacher.
This is where the Curriculum Centre can make a difference. Our members believe such a resource bank is possible and that it can be developed rather easily if it is broken into smaller parts. Instead of looking for one mythical teacher to develop this huge library of resources, imagine if 10, 100 or 1000 teachers shared our vision and sent copies of their curriculum documents to the Curriculum Centre clearing house. In no time, a huge resource bank, covering every conceivable objective in the program of studies, would be available to teachers any time - day or night. This, in effect, would be like having a hundred teachers or more developing and supplying lesson plans, resources and activities for you and every other teacher in our consortium, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Think what you could accomplish if you could access such a bank of resources. All of this is possible and the best part is, all of this could happen without any cost to you. If the unlimited possibilities of a provincial resource bank excites you, please consider joining us today by completing the registration form. Once you register, you will be able to start downloading our resources
As they say, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." So we hope that you will try out the program to see if it can work for you. We look forward to your participation and thank you for your part in trying to make education better for teachers and students everywhere.
The Curriculum Centre has faith that things will improve because teachers are innovative; they are creative and they are natural problem solvers. To help teachers in their quest to improve the system, the Curriculum Centre has started a provincial resource bank that follows the prescribed program of studies and we invite you to become a member and take advantage of our unique resources.
There are teachers all over the world teaching the same subjects that you are . Almost all of these teachers make up some sort of activity or worksheet to help their students succeed. Some worksheets are used for supplemental remedial activities, others provide additional practice and various others offer advanced applications. These worksheets address individual student or group needs and once used, they are often discarded or filed away until the following year. Imagine the wealth of resources that are buried away in filing cabinets in classrooms everywhere. These hidden gems represent a tremendous loss of creative energy and talent. Imagine again, if you can, what could be achieved if every teacher had access to this treasure trove every day of the school year.
In the past, instruction often followed a "one size fits all" approach, but things have changed. Today, differentiated instruction - a much more demanding , but a far more effective form of instruction is more prevalent. This approach, however, brings new challenges - the ability to provide each student with a learning activity that meets his exact instructional needs each and every day of the school year.
To successfully do this, a teacher has to be able to access a very large and diverse bank of resources. To develop such a collection is no small feat! In fact, it is a Herculean task and cannot be accomplished by a single teacher.
This is where the Curriculum Centre can make a difference. Our members believe such a resource bank is possible and that it can be developed rather easily if it is broken into smaller parts. Instead of looking for one mythical teacher to develop this huge library of resources, imagine if 10, 100 or 1000 teachers shared our vision and sent copies of their curriculum documents to the Curriculum Centre clearing house. In no time, a huge resource bank, covering every conceivable objective in the program of studies, would be available to teachers any time - day or night. This, in effect, would be like having a hundred teachers or more developing and supplying lesson plans, resources and activities for you and every other teacher in our consortium, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Think what you could accomplish if you could access such a bank of resources. All of this is possible and the best part is, all of this could happen without any cost to you. If the unlimited possibilities of a provincial resource bank excites you, please consider joining us today by completing the registration form. Once you register, you will be able to start downloading our resources
As they say, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." So we hope that you will try out the program to see if it can work for you. We look forward to your participation and thank you for your part in trying to make education better for teachers and students everywhere.